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Preparing to Return Home: Our Transitional Care Suite

Preparing to Return Home: Our Transitional Care Suite

When recovering from a major surgery, an injury, or an illness, short-term rehab can help you with your transition back home so that your journey to wellness is a successful one. At Bolger Short-Term Rehab, our expert therapists use state-of-the-art technology, effective exercise programs, and helpful tools, such as our transitional care suite, to get you back to the life you love.

The Importance of Transitional Care Management

Inpatient short-term rehab provides important transitional care after your hospitalization so that you can regain your strength and return home as healthy and active as possible. Transitional care management includes therapy exercises and stretches, practicing activities of daily living, and making plans for your return home, including determining any assistive equipment or modifications to your home that may be necessary.

Improving Your Mobility and Function: In inpatient rehab, we develop individualized recovery plans for each unique patient. A team of skilled and licensed physical, occupational, and speech therapists will provide intensive therapy to improve things like pain, mobility, balance, and communication through different exercises and methods.

Practicing Activities of Daily Living: One of the most important parts of transitioning back to life at home and your regular routine is getting used to performing your activities of daily living, also known as ADLs. These include tasks like preparing meals, bathing and grooming, using the bathroom, and doing laundry. Occupational therapy during your rehab stay will help you practice relearning these tasks and learning how to use any necessary assistive devices to accomplish them.

Preparing for Challenges When Returning Home: After discharge from your stay at inpatient rehab, it’s essential to ensure your home is properly prepared. If you require any special equipment or changes made to the layout of your home, planning ahead will make the adjustment easier when you leave rehab. When you are discharged, your therapists will provide you with the information you need for necessary home modifications or equipment to stay safe and comfortable as you continue to heal. At Bolger Short-Term Rehab, we also provide patients with a comprehensive home safety checklist to ensure their home is ready for their return.

How Our Transitional Care Suite Prepares You to Return Home

What Is a Transitional Care Suite? At Bolger Short-Term Rehab, patients have access to our on-site transitional care suite to better help them prepare for their return home. The fully operational apartment setup, complete with a washer and dryer, dishwasher, stove, microwave, tub, and stall shower, allows patients to more effectively practice performing their activities of daily living and using any assistive equipment they may need during their recovery.

Integrating the Transitional Care Suite into Therapy: Patients benefit from managing these self-care and home tasks prior to going home so that they return to their own living environments with increased confidence and comfort. It also helps the rehab therapists accurately assess and strategize with patients on safety considerations, make recommendations for assistive devices and adaptive equipment, and provide guidance on hiring additional help at home.

Building Confidence in Your Return to Home: The transitional care suite is a state-of-the-art tool for improving patients' confidence and abilities to ensure a successful transition to life back at home, with less risk of injury or relapse. Practicing activities of daily living in a realistic home environment helps patients get used to any adaptions or changes in the way they do things.

After You Return Home: Maintaining Independence and ADLs

After completing your rehab therapy and preparing your home for your return, it’s important to continue taking the proper steps and following the advice of your doctors and therapists on your journey to recovery. You may need to continue certain exercises at home or in outpatient rehab as you work toward your goals.

  • Be realistic: Don’t try to do too much too soon. Follow the advice of your medical professionals to avoid further injury and prevent roadblocks to recovery.
  • Communicate: Open communication with your therapists will keep you motivated and enable you to address any problems that arise during recovery so that you can rectify them quickly.
  • Get enough rest: Our bodies work hard to sustain our daily activities, and when you’re still in the process of recovery, more rest breaks or energy conservation may be necessary.

Learn More About Bolger Short-Term Rehab

If you need healing transitional care following an injury, surgery, or a hospital stay, the physical, occupational, or speech therapists at Bolger Short-Term Rehab can help you get back to the vibrant, independent life you love. With our state-of-the-art gym, helpful transitional care suite, and welcoming environment, we are here to help you recover quickly and successfully. For more information, please call (201) 848-5855 or visit