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Reducing Injuries Through Exercise: How To Enjoy the Warm Weather Safely

Reducing Injuries Through Exercise: How To Enjoy the Warm Weather Safely

Many of us love to enjoy the great outdoors in the summer – but playing sports, hiking, camping, swimming, and other fun summer activities can put us at risk of sustaining a painful injury. This summer, prevent sprains, strains, and falls with regular stretching and exercise.

Common Injuries During Warmer Weather

Ankle/knee injuries: Ankle or knee sprains, strains, or dislocations can be caused by a fall, sudden movement, or overextension while playing sports, hiking a difficult trail, biking, or enjoying any other outdoor physical activity.

Overuse injuries: An overuse injury occurs when tissue is damaged due to repetitive movement over a period of time. Runners and athletes are most susceptible to these injuries because of the amount of repeated stress they put on the same joints and muscles.

Back injuries: Back injuries are a common occurrence caused by improper lifting, poor posture, and lack of regular exercise. If you overexert yourself playing a new outdoor sport or activity without proper stretching or preparation, you may pull a muscle or strain your back.

Preventing Injuries with Regular Exercise

Regular low-impact exercise and stretching can effectively prevent painful injuries by strengthening your joints and muscles, increasing your flexibility, and improving your balance.

Some low-impact exercises to try include:

  • Stair climber
  • Elliptical
  • Water aerobics
  • Pilates/yoga
  • Planks
  • Squats
  • Resistance bands
  • Golf
  • Cycling
  • Walking

Physical Therapy at Christian Health Outpatient Rehabilitation

Working preventively with a physical therapist can effectively decrease the likelihood of falls and injuries by improving your balance and coordination, strengthening your muscles, boosting your mobility, and increasing your flexibility. At Christian Health Outpatient Rehabilitation, our licensed physical therapists help patients feel better and move better using an innovative approach and state-of-the-art technology. To learn more about how outpatient physical therapy can help you stay fit and active this summer, please call (201) 848-5518 or visit