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5 Reasons to Get Physical Therapy

5 Reasons to Get Physical Therapy

Whether you’ve recently undergone a major surgery or you’re just always waking up with a sore neck, physical therapy can help you move better and feel better. Working with a licensed physical therapist will improve your strength, promote flexibility, and alleviate pain.

The following are five common reasons you may need physical therapy.

  1. To Manage Pain

Living with chronic pain is unfortunately common – according to a 2021 report by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), about 50 million Americans live with daily pain. Common causes of chronic pain include arthritis, old injuries, or nerve issues, such as sciatica. Physical therapy can help alleviate pain with proper stretching and exercises to improve muscle and joint junction as well as posture.

  1. To Improve Mobility

Chronic conditions like arthritis, various injuries, surgery, and plain old aging can all cause decreased mobility. Physical therapy uses stretching and strengthening exercises to help restore patients’ ability to move freely and comfortably, without pain.

  1. After a Stroke

Physical therapy effectively helps strengthen weakened parts of the body and improve balance for patients following a stroke. This is often combined with occupational therapy, which helps patients relearn how to perform everyday tasks so that they can return to a lifestyle that’s as independent as possible.

  1. After a Sports Injury

If you’re an avid athlete, physical therapy can help you get back to your favorite sport after an injury. Physical therapists design both recovery and prevention exercise programs to ensure a safe return to a sport after common injuries such as tennis elbow, shin splints, strained hamstrings, shoulder and knee injuries, sprained ankles, and tendinitis.

  1. To Prevent Falls

Physical therapy exercises improve coordination and balance, which in turn reduces the likelihood of falls. This is particularly helpful for older adults with limited mobility or anyone recovering from an injury or illness that has affected their balance or mobility. Physical therapists also often recommend assistive devices to improve safety and reduce fall risk.

Physical Therapy at Christian Health

If you are dealing with any of the above, physical therapy at Christian Health can help you quickly return to wellness and a vibrant, active lifestyle! Our expert care team provides exceptional inpatient and outpatient physical therapy services for patients recovering from injury, surgery, or stroke, as well as those living with chronic pain, illness, or mobility issues.

For more information, please call (201) 848-5855 for inpatient physical therapy at Bolger Short-Term Rehab or (201) 848-5518 for outpatient physical therapy at Christian Health Outpatient Rehab.