Make a one-time or recurring gift online, by mail, or over the phone. Your gift may be designated for a specific fund or unrestricted. Checks can be mailed to: Christian Health Foundation, 301 Sicomac Ave., Wyckoff, NJ 07481. To make a donation by phone, call Mellanie at (201) 848-4312.
Many employers match their employees’ gifts to non-profit organizations. These programs can double the size of your gift.
You may make a gift in memory or honor of a special person, organization, or occasion.
Your support through Membership helps us to fulfill our mission and provide exceptional care for our residents, patients, and clients.
Through bequests, gift annuities, gifts of stock, and charitable trusts, you can make a gift of ongoing significance and establish a lasting legacy. Learn more on our planned giving pages.
For more information, please call Sue Kelly, Foundation Director, at (201) 848-5799 or e-mail PlannedGiving@ChristianHealthNJ.org.