Gracepoint Partial-Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient Program is a voluntary, short-term, partial-hospital program for individuals 18 years and older who need comprehensive treatment but who do not require hospitalization. The program is designed to help clients decrease symptoms of mental health conditions and develop coping skills needed for community living.
Gracepoint serves to help prevent the need for inpatient treatment or as a step in the continuum of care following inpatient treatment.
Personalized treatment plans include individual and group psychotherapy, medication evaluation, and education. The highly skilled, dedicated treatment team consists of:
The team’s objective is to assist the individual in achieving their treatment goals through participation in a scheduled full- or half-day program. Family members are included in treatment planning whenever possible and with the client’s consent. When requested by an individual, faith integration is provided as part of treatment.
Gracepoint accepts most insurance plans. Please contact us to learn more.
Gracepoint Admissions Team: (201) 848-4435 or Info@ChristianHealthNJ.org.
If this is a psychiatric emergency, please contact your local hospital emergency room or the psychiatric screening center for your county:
Christian Health is a nonprofit organization open to anyone, regardless of race, sex, or religion.